2024-2025 Executive Committee
Elected Officers (Terms expire June 30 of year indicated)
President (interim) — Elaine Prestia (term expires 2025)
Vice President — Elaine Prestia (term expires 2025)
Treasurer — Vicky Droll (term expires 2026)
Recording Secretary — Bonnie Walter (term expires 2026)
Membership Secretary — Elaine Prestia (term expires 2025)
Corresponding Secretary — Judy Ream Hazel (term expires 2025)
Appointed by the Executive Committee
Editor of the Newsletter — Judy Ream Hazel
Website Coordinator — Carmine Prestia
Member at Large/Outreach — Cindy Lorenzo
Member at Large/Social Media — Lisa Kerns
Mailing Address
Centre County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 1135
State College, PA 16804-1135
We understand that many of you have set your spam filters on high to avoid problems. However, if you wish for us to respond to your request, please put our emails into your address book when you send us a message. Please check your spam folder for replies in any case, since some officers will reply from their personal accounts (email to the Society addresses is forwarded in some cases).
The Executive Committee of the Centre County Genealogical Society usually meets several times a year between September and June to discuss standing business as well as any issues at hand. More and more, some matters can be decided more promptly by email among the members of Exec. If you have concerns or ideas that you would like brought before the Society, please contact a member of the Executive Committee.